Fixes and improvements

  • Hello Eastmile players,

    Today we have a scheduled maintenance.

    What will change?

    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug in the artist's second sp that sometimes the debuff "Mark of the Full Moon" would not go away after being hit.

    • [Bugfix]  Fixed a bug that did not allow you to exit a TS if you click on "cancel" if you die.

    • [Bugfix] Calvin Coach's Hairstyle Potion has been fixed so that you can swap the hair style between the two basics.

    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that did not allow you to merge costumes if they were linked to different characters even if they were from the same account.

    • [Bugfix] Fixed a bug that would sometimes show your CP points as negative.

    • [New] New trainers have been added in EastVille and Port Alveus of different elements and types to be able to test better damage and bonuses.

    • [New]  Now specialists that have a skin added will be able to see that aspect (and the abilities changed according to the skin, as happens in the case of jajamaru) in the SP menu.
      Note: Due to client limitations it is not possible to add the wing upgrade in the sps with skin in its original site (top right) we have added this data below the images of the sp so that you can continue to see that data on the menu.

    • [Change]  The descriptions of some type-specific damage shell options that were mistranslated in the official game have been improved to make them more understandable.

    • [Change] Now when costume fusion is used, the use restrictions (level, class, gender ...) of the part that you have combined in APPEARANCE will be applied, so that costume EFFECTS that could not be used can be used originally, merging them with the look of a costume that is available.

    Your Eastmile team